The Undergraduate Certificate in Paralegal Studies is geared to students who have yet to attain a bachelor degree to function as ethical, effective, and efficient professional paralegals in law firms, businesses, government, and nonprofit organizations; to perform a wide variety of legal work under the supervision of attorneys; and to adapt easily to the changing role of the paralegal as well as the changing needs of the legal community. The Paralegal Training Program provides training in substantive and procedural law, legal analysis, professional responsibility, legal forms, legal technology, and practical skills needed to work in the public or private sector as a competent and professional paralegal. This program fulfills educational requirements to practice as a paralegal in California under Business and Professions Code section 6450. Instructors for the program are approved by the UCLA School of Law, and include judges, attorneys, paralegals, and other legal professionals. Assistance in career counseling and job search opportunities are available to current students and program graduates. Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.

(310) 825-0741

Estimated Cost
Estimated Program Tuition: $8,780.00
Estimated Program Textbook/Materials: $1,000.00
Estimated Total Cost: $9,780.00

Fees are approximate, do not include internship costs, and are subject to change.

Internship Available: Yes

Additional Details

Valid quarter starts for full-time study:
Fall, Spring, Summer, Winter
Estimated Duration (Full-Time Pace):
VA Approved?:
Federal Financial Aid Available:
Maximum Quarters/Terms of Support:
Level of Support:

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