8 Courses Required

The Database Management Certificate is a 32-unit program designed for information technology professionals who would like to become involved in the development and support of database management systems. The Certificate provides training in creating and maintaining databases based on fundamentals of relational database, and Structured Query Language (SQL). Additionally, the certificate includes courses in Microsoft SQL Server administration, and reporting services. To learn more, click here

(310) 825-4100

Estimated Cost
Application & Candidacy Fee: $150.00*
Estimated Program Tuition: $7,600.00
Estimated Program Textbook/Materials: $800.00
Estimated Total Cost: $8,550.00**

*This program is open admission. The Application & Candidacy fee establishes your candidacy in the certificate for a period of time covering normal progress toward completion and allows you to access a variety of program benefits.

**Costs are approximate and subject to change without notice. Estimates are based on candidacy fee, course fees, and estimated cost of textbooks and course supplies, but do not include online classes or additional expenses such as parking.

Internship Available: No

Additional Details

VA Approved?:

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Certificate in Database Management


Minimum Required

<p>In addition to the required coursework, students must successfully complete 20 units (typically 5 courses) of elective coursework from courses numbered <b><a href="https://www.uclaextension.edu/digital-technology/courses">COM SCI X 400-499</a></b>. Below is a list of suggested electives to consider.</p>

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