5 Courses Required

The Advanced Plumbing Systems Design Certificate is designed to train professionals who would like to receive formal education in advanced topics in plumbing systems design or are currently practicing in the field and would like additional training in advanced design techniques. The program offers a set of courses in several areas of advanced plumbing systems design and was created in collaboration with the American Society of Plumbing Engineering (ASPE). It is the first comprehensive program in plumbing systems in the United States. Every course in the certificate is offered in online format to make it available to students and professionals in the US and internationally. The certificate consists of 7 courses totaling 28-units including six required courses and at least one elective course.

Department of Engineering & Technology
(310) 825-4100


Estimated Cost
Application & Candidacy Fee: $150.00*
Estimated Program Tuition: $6,650.00
Estimated Program Textbook/Materials: $1,300.00
Estimated Total Cost: $8,100.00**

*This program is open admission. The Application & Candidacy fee establishes your candidacy in the certificate for a period of time covering normal progress toward completion and allows you to access a variety of program benefits.

**Costs are approximate and subject to change without notice. Estimates are based on the candidacy fee, course fees, and estimated textbook fees, but do not include additional expenses such as parking.

Internship Available: No

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