
Course Description

As the business of film has become more reliant on the international market, so has the production of film. Both studio and independent producers alike must understand the ever-evolving rules and principles to producing in countries around the world. This course provides thorough and practical instruction on all the elements and stages to producing films outside of the United States. Every week, case studies explore specific, real-life films, which follow the processes involved in producing films internationally, and compare the differences among the territories. The following topics are discussed each week for specific countries: film commissions, available financing, the approval process, locations and climate, facilities, budgets, unions and working practices, co-production treaties, and local partners and distributors. At the end of each session, students have the tools to produce a film in the region discussed that week. The course also examines the broader concepts of international co-productions, available international film treaties, and their practical applications. Beyond the local tax credits available in territories, instruction also covers "soft equity" and tax shelters where available, and how to apply them to a financing plan. Some sessions include a visit from a territory's local film office and/or local producers to provide additional insight to the country.

Course Outline

Learn the elements and stages to producing films outside of the U.S. Topics include: film commissions, financing, locations and climate, facilities, budgets, unions and working practices, co-production treaties, and local partners and distributors.


(310) 825-9064

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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