
Course Description

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to communications with a focus on personal branding, public relations and marketing. Aspiring authors or literary agents learn about the work of a book publicist or marketing professional and develop the skills necessary to effectively communicate about a book or literary project to a wide audience. Required for the Certificate in Literary Representation.

Course Outline

Learn how writers get their names out there and take advantage of opportunities to connect with readers in this practical course on personal branding and promotion.

Course Outline

What you can learn:

  • Learn how to develop a platform for yourself as a writer
  • Identify opportunities to craft an online presence for your writing career
  • Get insight into how authors make connections to appear at book festivals, readings, and workshops
  • Get advice on how to approach journalists and reviewers to cover your work


Course may be taken to satisfy core (Beginning) units in the Creative Nonfiction Certificate Program, or as an elective in either fiction/creative nonfiction certificate. 

For more information on programs and services offered by the Writers’ Program, please visit our website.

Writers’ Program
(310) 825-9415

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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