
Course Description

A director must have the ability to interpret and translate the written ideas of the screenplay into cinematic form. This overview lecture course gives the aspiring director a comprehensive practical understanding of the film director's craft--the language, grammar and tools of the medium--from the first script reading to the last day of principal photography and into post-production. Lectures, discussions, screenings, assignments and class projects guide you through the process of preparing a film for shooting. Topics include script analysis, casting, directing the actor, acting for the camera, collaborating with the creative team, camera blocking, planning the shot list, photographing the subtext, film grammar, visual composition, the role of music and sound effects.

Course Outline

This overview course gives the aspiring director a comprehensive practical understanding of the film director's craft—the language, grammar, and tools of the medium from the first script reading to post-production.


(310) 825-9064

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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