
Course Description

This course covers the basic grading and drainage techniques used in every landscape architecture project. Students learn the skills necessary to grade a site of moderate complexity while considering public health, safety, and welfare. Instruction covers contour signatures and contour manipulation by cutting and/or filling and stormwater management techniques including low-impact design, bioretention, and detention and retention areas. Basic grading formulas and cut and fill calculations are presented. The course also introduces landform grading and erosion control together with road and path layout and alignment for pedestrian and vehicular circulation.

Course Outline

Using graphic conventions and calculations, grading and drainage techniques used in every landscape architecture project are applied to grade a complex site while considering public health, safety, and welfare.


Melissa McDonald
(310) 825-9414


ARCH X 472.4D Design Graphics I: Drafting and Drawing of the Built Environment, ARCH X 471.1B Landscape Design 2: Site Design Basics, ARCH X 493.992 AutoCAD 1 - or equivalent as determined by the program office.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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