
Course Description

One of the two required plant material courses, focusing on plants, their communities, and their place in the landscape. Instruction focuses on plant materials that often influence the landscape architect's overall site composition. This course focuses on medium-scale materials, such as shrubs, vines, ground covers, and special-effects plants used to fulfill specific site requirements; companion plant groupings; and planting location as design elements. Students take Saturday and Sunday field trips (itinerary discussed at the first class) to urban landscapes, campuses, gardens, arboreta, and nurseries, meeting once (first class) at UCLA in a classroom setting. Students are responsible for their own transportation to remote lecture locations (carpooling is encouraged) and must bring a camera to all classes.

Course Outline

Focusing on understory plants and their communities, instruction focuses on selecting and placing appropriate plant material to influence the landscape architect's overall site composition.


Melissa McDonald
(310) 825-9414

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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