
Course Description

Teacher Induction C is one of four required core courses in the UCLA Extension Teacher Induction Program, leading to a California Clear Credential (Multiple Subject, Single Subject or Education Specialist). The essential question for this course addresses assessing students for learning, as well as planning instruction and designing learning experiences. This course design supports induction candidates in accomplishing several objectives in the context of the following: Individual Learning Plan (ILP) and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTPs), ongoing support and collaboration with a trained induction mentor, essential question framework regarding assessing students for learning, as well as planning instruction and designing learning experiences for all students.

Course Outline

This course is designed to support induction candidates in the context of  their individual learning plan, the support they receive from an induction mentor, and the planning and assessing for student learning and growth.


Credentialing Office
(310) 825-4191
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